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Game Console

Who are we?

QArena is a dynamic and innovative player in the realm of Video Game Quality Assurance. As a passionate team of QA professionals, we pride ourselves on meticulous testing methodologies and a relentless pursuit of excellence, empowering game developers to unleash their creativity with confidence.

Why us?

Attention to detail
Attention to detail

Examining and validating every aspect of software and processes, ensuring thorough and accurate testing results

Team of any size
Various project sizes

We are able to work with companies of various project sizes - big and small

Project flexibility
Project flexibility

Testing available on all commonly used gaming devices - PS5, PC, Mobile and many more

Our core principles:

1. Project Dedication

Our testing is led by dedicated gamers, ensuring an authentic evaluation of the gaming experience.

3. Holistic UX Assessment

We evaluate games from both player and tester perspectives, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the gaming experience.

2. By Gamers, For Gamers

Testers focus on one project at a time, fostering a deep understanding of each game's unique challenges.

4. Retesting Rigor

We emphasize thorough retesting, understanding that "repaired" doesn't always mean "fixed," to maintain the game's integrity and reliability.

How we classify bugs

In game development, it's crucial to gauge how much a bug can mess things up. That's where severity levels come in handy. They help sort out and prioritize bug fixes based on how bad things can get. Think of it like a to-do list for developers – tackling issues in order of importance. The severity levels act as a kind of measuring stick, showing just how serious a bug is and guiding the team on what to fix first. It's a practical way to keep the game running smoothly and improve things step by step.


Small, inconspicuous issues with minimal impact on gameplay or visuals.

Minor disruptions that don't significantly affect the overall gaming experience.

Noticeable bugs that may hinder gameplay or introduce temporary disruptions.


Significant issues affecting gameplay, leading to crashes or persistent problems.

Severe problems rendering the game unplayable, requiring immediate attention.

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